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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

("it's our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved")…Jason Mraz

MAKE A LITTLE GIRL'S WISH COME TRUE...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Just a slight detour today while I polish chapter 35 in Gabriel's Proimise, which I will post sometime tomorrow. Until then please take a minute to click on the photo on the right and read Katrina's story. Afterward take one more minute to read what's on my mind today...


Okay, I admit it, I live with a ghost. That's right, I said ghost! She's not Casper but she's just as friendly and that's nice. For the last 16 months she's been the angel on my shoulder, the monkey in my wrench, my conscience, advisor, cheerleader, and inspiration. The last 6 months she's been my companion, my guardian against all odds, from outside and from within. She constantly reminds me that I am better than what anyone may say or think, that I am better than I even give myself credit for, which isn't saying much these days.

She loves me unconditionally like she does everyone, and encourages me to do likewise. And she makes me understand why that's so important with a warm feeling that envelopes me whenever I do just that. She quotes me scripture I never knew she knew? She whispers in my ear to let GOD be in charge, that He has plans for me, and jokes with me not to let that go to my head because He has plans for everyone.

She tells me to listen when all I want to do is shout. She tells me that there is peace in silence and wisdom in patience. She tells me that there really is power in love, and that bitterness is just love in progress. Stay tuned she says to me. She tickles me when I need to laugh and she fills my head with memories when I need a hug. She tells me that even when I am lonely that I am never alone. She tells me that she will always be with me because my heart is one of her many homes now.

She is there when I open my eyes each morning and there when I close them each night. I am so lucky, I am so blessed. So are you…

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